Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Some programming project I had, such a naughty teenager I was

#include "winbgim.h"
#define PAIKIA 3.14159265358979323846
struct BoomBoomBoom
int x1, x2, y1, y2;


struct dude

int x_o;
int y_o;
double JamesBond;
int whatcoloramI;
int fill_whatcoloramI;
int wherewherewhere[6];

void Bogeyman(struct BoomBoomBoom PikachuIchooseU[]);

void hihihi(int whatcoloramI, int fillWhatcoloramI, int dog, int dawg[]);

void Frodo(double meowmeow, float JamesBond, int KariAyam[]);

int main()
initwindow(640, 480); //open a 640x480 graphics window
outtextxy (20, 40, "Press Cicakman key to quit");
int Xman[]={60,60,130,60};
int weeeeeeeeeee[]={60,60,60,130};
struct BoomBoomBoom pikapika[4];

struct dude woohoo;
woohoo.whatcoloramI = RED;
woohoo.fill_whatcoloramI = BLUE;
woohoo.wherewherewhere[0] = 30;
woohoo.wherewherewhere[1] = 0;
woohoo.wherewherewhere[2] = -30;
woohoo.wherewherewhere[3] = 10;
woohoo.wherewherewhere[4] = -30;
woohoo.wherewherewhere[5] = -10;
woohoo.x_o = woohoo.y_o = 0;

int Spiderman2 = 320;/*half from the windows*/
int Cicakman2 = 240;
int i = 0;
int i1;
int AlakazamOnline[6];

outtextxy(130,60, "0");
outtextxy(60,130, "90");


for (i1=0; i1<6 i1="" p="">{
if (i1 %2 == 0) AlakazamOnline[i1] = woohoo.wherewherewhere[i1] + Spiderman2;
else AlakazamOnline[i1] = woohoo.wherewherewhere[i1] + Cicakman2;


Frodo(5.0, 0.0, AlakazamOnline);

while(AlakazamOnline[6] > 440 )
Frodo(5.0, 90.0, AlakazamOnline);

hihihi(YELLOW, LIGHTBLUE, 3, AlakazamOnline);

delay(40);/*wait 40 miliseconds before anything else*/

hihihi(BLACK, BLACK, 3, AlakazamOnline);

closegraph(); /*close graphics window*/
return 0;

void Bogeyman(struct BoomBoomBoom PikachuIchooseU[])
int i;

for(i = 0; i<4 i="" p="">{
line(PikachuIchooseU[i].x1, PikachuIchooseU[i].y1, PikachuIchooseU[i].x2, PikachuIchooseU[i].y2);

void hihihi(int whatcoloramI, int fillWhatcoloramI, int dog, int dawg[])
setfillstyle(3, fillWhatcoloramI);


void Frodo(double meowmeow, float JamesBond, int KariAyam[])
double Spiderman;
double Cicakman;
int i;

JamesBond = JamesBond*PAIKIA/180;

Spiderman = meowmeow*cos(JamesBond);
Cicakman = meowmeow*sin(JamesBond);

for (i=0; i<6 i="" p="">{

if (i %2 == 0) KariAyam[i] += Spiderman;
else KariAyam[i] += Cicakman;




It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Thomas Jefferson

The Gift

The girl was intent on reading.

"So, why do you read only English books?" I asked.

She was lost for a moment. And she looked into nothingness, like many other times.

"So, why do you read only English books?" I repeated myself.

The nothingness drifted out, but lingered around somewhat.

"I like English books, just as.. I like to watch television." She answered. Or at least she thought she knew the answer.

"Oh. And why so?"

She frowned and thought deeply, very deeply.

"I like to watch television."

"Why?" I was curious, very curious.

"Other people like to watch television," She struggled.

"That's not proper."

She hesitated, then looked around.

"I.. I'm not sure."


Again there was none else in the room. I wasn't. All things were never past nor present. They were here, there, nowhere. Her mind was wandering through a...wall.

"Alright then." I said louder, in attempt to reaffirm my being. I'd certainly prove that I was more worthy than a mere wall. I mean, it was just a wall.

"Would you like me to give you your own reasons for liking to watch television?" I offered.

"Of course!" This time she made eye contact.

She would like to watch television because it was entertaining, I propounded.

"Okay. Yes, now I feel that it is entertaining."

I astutely took my chance at incentives.

"Would you like some sweets?" A little too cliche?



She won't eat sweets till the 26th of August, but she could eat sweets forever after that.

"That's fine. I'll save them till then."

And once again, I was one who wasn't, an apparition who may or may not have nudged the folds of reality.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Shaking embers

Winds; frantic tatters
Racking crimson pieces
Tearing naught but ceases
Ribs and heart; clawing chasms

Skies; dragon fire
Fortress scorched to ashes
Singed putrid fleshes
Screeches to heaven sing

Ancients, silent sages
Festering hearts of worms
Flashing shadows, beasts of storms
Heaven's exalted rages

Fetid, fallen faithful
Fiery winged wrath
Heathen's foul aftermath
Shreds of gnawed saints